
Data sheet for SH ARC-FRAMEWORK, in German (2011-02, 91 kB)

Instructions for SOHARD RAW driver, in English (Version 7.8, 68 kB)

Description of the SOHARD RAW driver API, in English (2012-08, 65 kB)

ARCNET RAW driver for Windows 10/8/7/Vista/2008/2003/XP/2000* (Version 7.4 (2014-03), 209 kB)
* 32- and 64-bit systems are supported.

ARCNET RAW driver for Windows 10 (version 1809)/8/7* (version 7.4 (2019-10), 112 kB)
* 32- and 64-bit systems are supported.

History RAW driver, in English (5 kB)



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